
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Travelers Retrospective #4: June 27, 2013 Part 1

We left Holbrook that morning in a mad scramble. For a small town it has a busy rush hour on Monday mornings. It didn't take to long to get on to I-40 and we where on our way. Our first exit was exploring the route at Joseph City, and slowly making our way to the Jackrabbit trading post. "Here it Is" remarks the huge yellow sign with the Jackrabbit on it. If it looks sort of familiar it's because it was the basis for Lizzys Curio Shop in the movie Cars. Coincidentally, this is where we saw or first movie poster for Cars, keep in mind it was 2005 and the movie wasn't due out for another year. As far as I know the poster is still there as are the autographs of John Lassiter, and a few other celebrity's. 

Next up was Winslow, AZ. Feel free to sing the Eagles song Take it Easy since there is a street corner downtown dedicated to it. Winslow has a great visitors center to see, with helpful docents and cool stores nearby. We also saw the La Posada, an old Harvey House restored and making a life of its own. It's probably one of the most beautiful hotels we have ever seen.  

Immediately following Winslow we hit three more Arizona Route 66 attractions. The first attraction that we saw was Meteor City and of course it would be Meteor Crater. Meteor Crater is awesome and has a great visitors center dedicated to space exploration and meteors. Our son and kids in general love it rocks, and astronauts, what can I say.  

Next up are the Route 66 relics of Two Guns and Twin Arrows. Two Guns is now  in ruins (dangerous to explore), but back on the day was an tourist trap based on Old West lore. It had fake shoot outs, pony rides, rattle snake pits, and all the trappings of the late 40's through early 60's Western craze. 

Twin Arrows is a little further up. At that time we could see the two huge arrows sticking out of the ground on and angle,  but in following trips it was one and the remains of another sticking out of the ground. This is a really iconic place on
66 but has had a tragic recent past and fallen on hard times, and sadly is deteriorating quickly. I have heard that there is a restoration effort underway but I haven't seen much on it. 

After getting some photos there it was in to Flagstaff.

Continued in part 2

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